The Green Future Index 2022

The Green Future Index 2022 is the second edition of the comparative ranking of 76 nations and territories on their ability to develop a sustainable, low-carbon future. It measures the degree to which their economies are pivoting toward clean energy, industry, agriculture, and society through investment in renewables, innovation, and green policy.

Overall rankings

The overall rankings tab shows the performance of the examined economies relative to each other and aggregates scores generated across the following five pillars: Carbon emissions, Energy transition, Green society, Clean innovation, and Climate policy.

Carbon emissions

This pillar ranks each country according to its CO₂ emission contribution (relative to its economy), as well as its recent change of total emissions, and the change in three primary productivity drivers: industry, transportation, and agriculture.

Energy transition

This pillar measures each country or territory’s use of renewable energy as a proportion of overall energy consumption; the recent rate of change; and—new this year—use of nuclear power, including percentage contribution to total energy consumption.

Green society

This pillar measures society’s efforts to increase recycling, develop energy-efficient buildings, and consume less meat and dairy, as well as the average net change in natural and planted forestation, and—new this year—adoption of electric vehicles.

Clean innovation

This pillar ranks the efforts countries and territories are making to promote decarbonization through innovation. The indicators include each nation or territory’s relative number of green patents, investment in clean energy, and food technology.

Climate policy

This pillar ranks state-level efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, including policy actions to reach climate goals, carbon pricing initiatives, sustainable agriculture policies, and—new this year—carbon capture and sequestration “readiness.”
