Category net-zero


Decarbonization strategy and ESG compliance are mandatory for the realization of SustainableDevelopment and GreenTransformation… But how will we perform and redesign to reach these targets… 4R innovation modeling points to the concrete actions of sustainability and climatology’s regenerative performance in the era of #innovation. 4R Innovation model, webinar…

Net-Zero Jargon Buster – a guide to common terms


‘Net-zero by 2050’ has steadily become a call-to-arms for many countries and companies worldwide to ramp up their climate ambition and take urgent action. The 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5°C was a stark warning…

World’s First Net Zero Standard

The world’s first corporate Net Zero Standard, developed in sync with the effective and realistic methods of climatology, was announced by the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative. Companies begin the process of strategy development, monitoring and evaluation to keep global…