UNFCCC: Systems Transformations Needed to Meet Paris Goals

Governments meeting at COP28 need to “support systems transformations” that mainstream climate resilience and low GHG emissions development to reinforce global efforts to tackle climate change.

The need for systems transformations was emphasized in the Synthesis Report on the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake of climate policy since the Paris Agreement, released by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on September 8th, 2023.

The report also noted that non-Party stakeholders need to undertake “credible, accountable and transparent” actions to bolster these efforts for systems transformations.

The report highlighted that systems transformations can create opportunities, with “carefully designed” climate action holding the potential to generate “significant” social and economic progress and benefits, including in health, education and employment.

While the report acknowledged that rapid systems transformations changes could be “disruptive”, the impacts of climate change would be more so.

The synthesis report also found that global emissions are not in line with modelled global mitigation pathways consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, noting a “rapidly narrowing window” to implement existing commitments.

It also flagged that increased adaptation action and enhanced efforts to avert, minimize and address loss and damage are “urgently needed” to reduce and respond to increasing climate change, and impacts on countries and communities.

The report also said international public finance needed to be strategically deploying to scaled-up the mobilization of support for climate action in developing countries.

Established under Article 14 of the Paris Agreement, the Global Stocktake is scheduled to conclude at COP28. The stocktake will feed into negotiations in Dubai and will play a key role in setting nationally determined contributions for the next five years. 

Source: https://www.esginvestor.net/live/unfccc-systems-transformations-needed-to-meet-paris-goals/

For further details, please see:

Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake. Synthesis report by the co-facilitators on the technical dialogue: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/sb2023_09_adv.pdf

Symbol: FCCC/SB/2023/9

Publication date: 08 Sep 2023

Document type: Synthesis reports

Conference: UN Climate Change Conference – United Arab Emirates Nov/Dec 2023

Session: SBI 59, SBSTA 59

Author: UNFCCC. Secretariat

Topic: Global stocktake


This synthesis report on the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake is based on inputs received throughout the process and discussions held during each of the three meetings of the technical dialogue and serves as an overarching and factual resource that provides a comprehensive overview of discussions held during the technical dialogue, identifying key areas for further action to bridge gaps and addressing challenges and barriers in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. It provides an assessment of the collective progress towards achieving the purpose and long-term goals of the Paris Agreement and informs Parties about potential areas for updating and enhancing their action and support, as well as for enhancing international cooperation for climate action.